All serious persons must have a foundation of truth upon which to base their beliefs. This is especially true in religious matters, since it involves life's greatest values, both temporal and eternal. Therefore, in matters of religion, we must guard against false teaching and superstition. Religious faith must rest on evidence and on conviction. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV).

Anyone who is honestly interested in the destiny of their soul is to be commended. When they inquire about the authenticity of the Bible which is accepted so widely as the "Word of God," they show an interest in spiritual things. Anyone who believes the Bible should be willing to give fair and candid reasons for believing it. And, then such reasons, fairly given, should be accepted for fair and honest consideration.

We believe the Bible because the alternative is not acceptable.


1.  Reasons for believing the Bible

Intelligent people believe it because it is a book with a traceable history. This means that we know much about the origin of Bible. We know who wrote most of the books of the Bible, and when, and where it was written. And, we also know a great deal about the circumstances and conditions under which these books were written. All the books of the Bible are, therefore, subject to historical examination, criticism, and comparison with contemporary writings and events. The countries, places, customs, conditions, and persons named in the Bible can be checked and verified. Indeed, they have been thoroughly checked and found accurate. Thus the Bible lends itself to examination.

It is a fact that the Bible has been examined more critically and more thoroughly than any other book ever written. But nothing of importance has been discovered to contradict its major claims, nor have its thousands of incidental allusions been found in conflict with the known facts. Many scholarly people feel, therefore, that one can read the Bible with full confidence in its accuracy, its authenticity and its authority.

2. We believe the Bible because of its historical 
and geographical value.

The Bible has been widely accepted as authentic because it is a real, truth speaking book. The Bible is realistic in that it deals with the greatest and deepest questions of life-. It tells us where we came from, how we are, to live, and where we will go after this life is over. It deals with such problems as life and death, joy and happiness, suffering and sorrow, and also sin. It deals with problems of right and wrong, of faith, of hope, and of love, as well as with the desire for happiness, temporal and eternal, and it satisfies man's desire for truth.

3. We believe the Bible because it deals truthfully with 
the deepest problems of human existence, 
and therefore must reflect the mind of God.

The Bible is united in content and thought throughout it pages. It is composed of sixty six books, written in three different languages, written by more than forty writer from different countries, living in different ages, from different backgrounds (some were kings, some shepherds, some fishermen, etc.), and yet there is not one contradiction found on its pages. Every part of the Bible fits perfectly with every other part.

We believe the Bible because of its Unity; because of its historical and geographical value; and because it deals truthfully with the deepest problems of human existence. No man has ever written, nor can one write such a book.



Other important reasons for believing the Bible:

1. The superiority of Bible writings over all other writings of man are evidence of its inspiration. That is, it was literally written with the mind of God.

2. The content of the Bible cannot be exhausted by man, thus, showing its superiority over all other books.

3. Predictions and prophecies found in the Bible are historically true, and have been shown (proven) to have been fulfilled in history books written by man, thus proving its accuracy.

4. It satisfies man's deep-seated desire for truth.

5. It has the unity of a single mind of superhuman wisdom.

6. It has the depth and richness which neither time nor study has been able to exhaust.

7.  It reveals the way of salvation.

8. It has had an incomparable influence on the world.

9. Finally, people believe the Bible to be the Word of God because it seems impossible that men unaided by God could have produced such a book.

The Bible has been in existence, as it is today, for about 2,000 years. While it was written by men, its real author is God. Therefore, WE BELIEVE IT!